Monday, April 14, 2008

Wouldn't you LOVE to say...

I was surfing the web one day and I ran across this design blog that had these and just fell in LOVE. Sorry, I forgot which blog, but I love them and thank you.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

who does this?

I've been seeing a therapist for the past 6 months now. No, I'm not completely mental, but my freak flag flies pretty high most days...anyways, I invite TCM to one of my sessions the other day. BAD decision. I got there first and I decided to wait for him outside so we can walk in together. Like that was suppose to show the therapist. How completely happy we are. So, I see him pull up, get out of the car and as he's walking towards me. I see a bag in his hand...I ask, "what's that?" to which he replies, "a gift for D". I think to myself, WHAT? REALLY? Who brings someone else's therapist a GIFT? Who does that? From what planet did he get dropped off from?

Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy Friday!

Several months ago a friend turned me onto the best of Craigslist. It's some of the funniest and saddest things I've ever read. As I'm reading these posts, I think to myself, I wish these things happened to ME! My life would be so much more interesting if I was giving away my BF or if I was trying to communicate with the person sleeping with my partner. Enjoy the read and Happy Friday!