Monday, April 14, 2008

Wouldn't you LOVE to say...

I was surfing the web one day and I ran across this design blog that had these and just fell in LOVE. Sorry, I forgot which blog, but I love them and thank you.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

who does this?

I've been seeing a therapist for the past 6 months now. No, I'm not completely mental, but my freak flag flies pretty high most days...anyways, I invite TCM to one of my sessions the other day. BAD decision. I got there first and I decided to wait for him outside so we can walk in together. Like that was suppose to show the therapist. How completely happy we are. So, I see him pull up, get out of the car and as he's walking towards me. I see a bag in his hand...I ask, "what's that?" to which he replies, "a gift for D". I think to myself, WHAT? REALLY? Who brings someone else's therapist a GIFT? Who does that? From what planet did he get dropped off from?

Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy Friday!

Several months ago a friend turned me onto the best of Craigslist. It's some of the funniest and saddest things I've ever read. As I'm reading these posts, I think to myself, I wish these things happened to ME! My life would be so much more interesting if I was giving away my BF or if I was trying to communicate with the person sleeping with my partner. Enjoy the read and Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

it's only just BEGUN...

So, here I am WORLD!!! I'm ready and willing to spill my entire LIFE story, my deepest and darkest secrets to a bunch of people sitting behind desks, staring blankly into a computer monitor...Gota love all that intimacy. I guess this makes it official, I'm a BLOGGER!

Seriously, this is my attempt to put my life's events both good and bad onto the intimate canvas we call Blogging. I'll share with you all my thoughts, actions or lack of, what I tell my therapist, my friends, my family and what I tell myself. I'll let you into my world. I just hope you find it as mundane and boring as I do.